It is truly devastating to see the impact the floods have had on our neighbouring communities. Thousands of homes and businesses are without power or have been damaged. Many families have been evacuated and cannot return home. Thank you to everyone who has gone out of their way to help those in need! In times of crisis, we need to all work together and lighten the load of those in need.
Everyone can help in some way, here are some examples:
Volunteer – Join the Mud Army 2.0 and help clean houses and areas that have received the most damage and have been difficult to access due to ongoing flooding.
Donate goods – Bedding, mattresses, mops, brooms, gloves, rubbish bags, buckets, sponges, toiletries ect to your local community-driven command center. You can find these on community facebook pages.
Donate financially – The organisation GIVIT has made a list of more than 68,000 items needed in the recovery efforts, with options for donors to send the items or pay for them to be purchased.
or the Australian Red Cross flood appeal,
Donations to these charities will be utilised to provide vital humanitarian support to the people and communities affected by the floods. Based on ongoing needs assessment, that support may include: • Enabling volunteers and staff to help with evacuation and relief centres and outreach service • Supporting people and communities to recover and to build resilience to disasters
Check in on your friends & family – These are very stressful & uncertain times. If you know anyone in the areas affected by floods, check in on them and ask them if they are okay, or if there is anything they need.
